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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I was about to ask why this is better than the docker installation, but I see step one is to install docker haha.

    I’ve been running the docker container for a long time, it works very well. It is a bit more complicated if you try and use extensions that require seperatw containers (like setting up collabora), but that can be done as well. It’s just more complicated.

    I do remember needing to know how to access the internal terminal a few times, but I don’t remember why. If I think of it I’ll come back and add instructions.

    Edit: It’s to be able to run occ commands:

    Sudo docker exec -u www-data nextcloud-app php occ “Command goes here”

    Sudo docker exec -u www-data nextcloud-app php occ files:scan --all

  • I’m not sure if this is helpful to you or not, because it’s not what you asked. I just don’t mount them on boot though.

    I have a script that requires a unique password that decrypts everything that I actually care about. If that hasn’t been run, then the server starts emailing me every 15 minutes until I do.

    The server is not setup to reboot unless I manually tell it to or there is a power outage, so logging in to run the script has never really been an issue. At most, I’ve had to SSH in from my phone maybe a handful of times.

  • I’ve been spending this weekend learning FreeCAD as well. Although I have found it frustrating at times, I’ve felt like its mostly just very unforgiving about “bad design”. For example, freeCAD has been working best for me when I actually sketch every single element out. Every face, every cut, every pocket is part of a sketch and then a 1 step operation. If you design like that then FreeCAD is actually quite powerful, and I’m starting to like it.

  • It’s still a terrible investment in the US if you are looking at it purely from a monetary perspective.

    When I was looking at it, break even is usually just shy of 10 years, so let’s call it that for easy math. You install a $20k solar system, and you end up making about $30k over a 25 year life span, assuming you never have any major issues and never move out of your house.

    In contrast, you could dump that 20k into the stock market. With an average return of about 7-8% (the historical rate of the s&p500) you’d walk away with about $110-140k.

    There’s noble environmental reasons to do it, but financially it’s just not a great return right now.

    Edited to clarify: You’d also need to be paying for electric in the second example, so minus 50k over these 25 years. You’re still up about double to triple over the solar panels.