• 91 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I don’t agree with that statement, because both on paper and in practice, Christianity is no better or worse than Islam. The only reason Christians aren’t slaughtering homosexuals and transgender people the same way is because they’ve been leashed by secularism. It’s not that they haven’t or don’t want to again. It’s that they know they can’t get away with it – yet.

    Look at organizations like Seven Mountains and other Dominionist groups promoting Christian Nationalism. It’s not a coincidence that Kevin Swanson regularly sees Republican office holders at his “Kill the Gays” rallies. They don’t hate Islamic theocracies because of the theocracy part. It’s that they’re jealous of their religious power and want to surpass it.

  • There’s a very simple test to figure out if your rhetoric is bigotry: are you targeting people purely for their identity, or are you focusing on specific behaviors and attitudes?

    Muslims do not get a pass for their bigotry against homosexuals and women. When they’re defended, it’s because people (mostly right-wing Christian bigots) don’t want them to exist at all. They don’t want Muslims to have the same freedom of religion they reserve for themselves. So I defend anyone’s right to be religious. That defense ends the moment they try to make their religious beliefs a problem for anyone else.

    Any questions?