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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023


  • Micay did not step down nor is it a symbolic gesture. He removed himself, at the demand of others within the organization, from any public relations duties he once held. He is an excellent and talented engineer and an absolutely horrible representative.

    He has no people skills. He does continue to contribute and guides the project privately. It should have been done long ago because I think he has done a lot of damage by overreacting and fostering a community of toxicity by being a bad example.

    Since his departure it has been improving and GrapheneOS is becoming mature and a far cry from the Copperhead days.

  • DNS services with blocks lists such as Pi-Hole, AdGuard, NextDNS, etc, provide a centralized config file for all devices on a network, so you only configure once, collect statistics, have built in block lists that can be easily modified and updated either automatically or manually and are fast.

    Using large lists in a host file will slow local resolution. It wasn’t designed for this use case as it’s acting a flat file database with a limited amount of RAM allocated for the process and will get slower the longer the list. While this latency won’t be noticeable in the thousands of lines, once you start hitting hundreds of thousand or millions of entries it will start to crawl.

    Hosts file are also unable to RegEx or Wildcard entries which means you would have to duplicated lots of variations in domains…

    I mean I can also statically assign IPs to ever client and keep a spreadsheet, but why don’t I just use DHCP?

  • This is just political theater to make it seem like the Governor is doing something. Colombia, and much of Latin America, has a much larger issue being extremely wealthy countries with vastly poor populations.

    These countries are being kept this way purposely so that they can be exploited by much wealthier nations(US, Spain, France, Netherlands, India). This breeds a culture of self regulation and minimal government intervention, riddled with corruption and a populace left to their own devices.

    Prostitution in the touristic areas hasn’t been stopped at all, just pushed a little underground while the cops look the other way, because they are also customers.

    Fixing this problem requires something that won’t occur in our lifetimes. Which is unfortunate as Colombia is one of the most beautiful and magical places on earth. Antioquia specifically is such an amazing place and the Paisa people are so unique and kind. Really beautiful when isolated cultures can survive this long.

  • It doesn’t matter if you use a service or not. Someone in your family most likely has DNA on file, either through voluntary submission, like 23andme, or through law enforcement, military government interactions that require submission. Once a family member is on file, it’s easy to ID you. Many crimes have been solved this way. Point being, doesn’t even matter if you try to keep private, if a nation state or three letter agency wants you, you done. If you’re worried about some company having your data just don’t participate in any of them… pretty much all you can do currently.

  • I’m in my forties so I was around when cell phones first became a thing and you had to T9 type your messages and was in my late twenties when smartphones became a things. The cost is the right answer. It was much cheaper in the states to txt earlier than other places. So the US stuck with SMS longer as that’s what people were used to and it eventually became free while in other parts of the world it did not but data and WiFi became more affordable, so people jumped to IM.

  • This is location specific. In the mainstream US FB use is down among youth and because of that it is has gone down among older adults. FB marketplace is still pretty popular and so is Instagram. So even in the US Meta is doing okay.

    Internationally, specifically Latin America, Europe and SE Asia, Facebook, WhatsApp, Marketplace are effectively the most popular way to communicate on anything.

    WhatsApp is basically the phone, Marketplace is in some places the only way to find real estate and just about anything else. And Facebook is used by every business.

    Meta internationally is raking in Ad money in the billions and billions. People have been convinced that their privacy is worth less than the convenience and utility. Because for them there is no better alternative. In addition in some of these cultures the idea of privacy is a foreign concept.

  • You seem to be seeking some kind of AI proxy, I think you’re trying to anonymize your prompts. VPNs and Wikipedia are not ideal examples of this. But I will try to answer the intent of your question.

    All AI as a service provider will log your queries. The only way to sort of anonymize would be to use someone else’s key/credentials. But that would just push off the logging to someone else. It’s like sharing out your Netflix password…

    The only truly anonymous way is to run your own, by self hosting an open LLM, which is doable, yet much more complicated, and would not be as good as the current big company services.

  • Yes, Kagi has a bunch of “Lenses” not just for Lemmy & Kbin but for all kinds of sources.

    As of right now I’m not sure how you could SEO boost Lemmy. The federation makes it seem like a single post exists on many different sites.

    With nearly a thousand Lemmy instances it’s as though someone cross posted to hundreds of websites which there would be no way to prioritize with the way current mainstream search engines work.

    They just need to program a method for indexing Lemmy, and the rest of the ActivityPub compatible services, as a single entity. I am sure they will catch up eventually.