• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • I guess these results count for something, however Madison’s allegations have been really consistent and more importantly, were quietly published months before without any drama.

    Believing the big corporation with drastically more leverage on this situation would be stupid, so they aren’t 100% cleared for me. Something definitely happened with Madison, but likely for lack of records and evidence it wasn’t confirmed.

    We’re not gonna ever know what really happened.

  • Today most Invidious instances are experiencing very harsh ip address rate limiting, it is becoming very very hard to watch yt videos through

    AFAIK this is not what’s happening this time. YouTube slowly rolled out a change over the past 3 days that requires some sort of app verification for the android yt app. This is affecting Invidious since it emulates the yt android client to fetch video streams. This affects invidious instances hosted privately as well.

    The maintainers are aware of this, and are working on ways to solve it. Tools like yt-dlp/newpipe still work because they have working implementations to fetch data by emulating web/iOS/etc clients.

  • This is a bigger issue to leave it to users imo. Like lemm.ee admin said a few months ago, threads is too fucking big.

    Anything they push on the fediverse will be what users see in All. Plus, popular stuff on threads is determined through Facebook’s algorithm, and it will also determine the fediverse recommendations by consequence.

    The above is solvable if you block them I guess, but by default it will completely ruin everything.

    However, lemmy 0.19 block feature doesn’t work on users of an instance, only posts hosted in an instance. Add to this that Facebook is a cancerous company making all its money from ads. Expect their bots to comment and make posts pushing ads on all instances.

    All of this will also mean high workload on mods to regulate the content. Threads doesn’t bring anything good here, and defederation is probably the only way to protect us.

  • net00@lemm.eeOPtoLinus Tech Tips@lemmy.mlControversy swept under the rug
    10 months ago

    At the final paragraph:

    Linus Media Group CEO Terren Tong also responded via email, saying he was “shocked at the allegations and the company described” in Reeve’s posts. He went on to note that “as part of this process, beyond an internal review we will also be hiring an outside investigator to look into the allegations and will commit to publish the findings and implementing any corrective actions that may arise because of this.”

    Clearly say commitment to publish.

  • Tbh I have had a lot of fun with this game (35h in). It’s an RPG first and space explorer second, nothing necessarily wrong with that.

    I also learned that if you’re tracking a quest you can use the grav drive right from the ship’s HUD by selecting the locstion marker. It does help immersion a tiny bit more.

    Overall it’s what they promised, modders can anyways “fix” the shortcomings.

  • There is spaceship battles, not sure about random locations, but I’m guessing you’d also need to fast travel to those.

    Also the spaceship is VERY customizable, so much in fact that I found it overwhelming lmao. Not saying that’s bad thing, but you’d definitely need to come up with a lot of credits /loot first.

    Again I only have 4 hours in game, so I don’t really know much yet.

  • net00@lemm.eetoGames@lemmy.world[MEGATHREAD] Starfield - Your experiences!
    10 months ago

    Just played 4 hours. Not saying whether the game is good or bad, but I’m not seeing the point of the spaceship yet.

    It’s looks like merely a medium for the fast traveling mechanic. You can’t really “move” in space (as far as ive tried), and can’t use it to fly within a planet.

    I expected being able to manually travel from planet A to planet B and finding cool stuff along the way. If you wanna actually move you need to fast travel.

    I also expected to be able to get in my ship and go from place A to place B within the same planet (also finding cool stuff along the way). It seems that also is just done by fast traveling only.

  • net00@lemm.eetoLinus Tech Tips@lemmy.mlHere's the plan. (New video from LTT)
    10 months ago

    Sounds convincing, however businesses don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. For me to trust and support this content again, the investigation of the allegations needs to produce conclusive evidence. The whole quality drama passed to the background after Madison showed up what really went inside LMG

    Either LMG admits wrongdoing and dishes out consequences to those involved, or they present verifiable and damning evidence showing no abuse occurred. Unlike bootlickers at reddit and ltt forums, I don’t side with businesses against people. If you live in this world and not in your mom’s basement you’d understand why.

    If LMG comes out with “we found nothing,” “no conclusions could be made,” or something along those lines without evidence, then fuck them. Not good enough.

    I vote with my wallet (and time), and I won’t deal with more corpo BS while abusing emplpyees. Before any smartasses come here with the usual “you live in society” crap. Yeah I can’t go live in the woods like a hermit to be morally right, but I can sure as hell drop a shit tech yt channel.

    EDIT: taking another look, the second half of the video was more defensive nonsense. Basically claiming they aren’t a twitter sweatshop, they are the victims, and some heavily edited parking loot footage as “proof”

    And the turnover rate is at best a shaky argument, One can argue since it’s mostly guys, they’re not gonna be at the same situation to be bullied, insulted and sexually harassed until leaving. It doesn’t seem the culture will be fixed anytime soon, so I’m just gonna stop wasting more time with it.