• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • In no realm does the US consider Japan, Germany, or Singapore a rival. China is the only “rival” in there. The other countries don’t have the actual quantity of people or land size to be an economic rival. At best they could have a higher standard of living based on PPP or GDP per capita, but not anything that would overtake the US. You’re trying to turn a simple evaluation tool that every government should be using on its trading partners into some maniacal weapon of economic doom. There are lots of partners in this world. Just like everyone else if you act like everyone is an enemy then all you ever see is targets.

  • A country would meet all three if it had a trade surplus with the United States of at least $15 billion, a current account surplus of at least 3 percent of gross domestic product, and if it had engaged in persistent, one-sided intervention in foreign exchange markets.

    Being on the list isn’t a bad thing. You only have to have two of the three things listed in order to be on the list and any of our major trading partners would automatically be on it. It’s simply a mechanism for the US government to have reports on other economies it does business with.

  • I don’t disagree about support having been delayed having negative effects on Ukraine’s ability to hold its line and potentially progress. Ukrainians are also dying for this. That’s unfortunate, and at the break of this war I was fine with the US being involved to squash it immediately. However it’s now too late in it for us to be seen as protecting, and now it would be viewed as another move by America to enforce its imperialist views on the world. We’ve done enough of that for the last 80+ years. We have to stop, but our friends and allies in the EU can step up and help. Ukraine, and the rest of the democratic world, shouldn’t be so reliant on the US and its support. For obvious reasons.

  • No they shouldn’t be. I’m an avid Ukraine supporter, just check my previous comments, but this HAS to be Ukraine doing this. Especially regarding US troops. Not only would it signal a more militaristic approach, it’s also come off as more US imperialism/colonialism. I don’t want Ukraine being a puppet of the US. I want them to be free and to choose their own destiny. I’m happy to provide them weapons, and intel, and if other smaller nations wish to help and align that’s fine, but a US soldier supported by the US government makes us look as if they’re yet another country that’s a US proxy.

  • I live in Cali, one of the HCOL areas that people bitch about. My first home was 400k in 2019 at age 24. My wife and I made a little over 100k combined and the first time homebuyer program in Cali made it so that we could buy whatever home we wanted as long as it passed inspection. The state kicked in the 20k down and we just covered closing costs. We refinanced a year later and dissolved any state loans. The state gave us a loan that had 0% interest and only required that we simply pay it back or it dissolved after 20 years. Being poor isn’t cheap, but a lot of expensive states actually have help. You pay taxes in those states for a reason, use it. There was no increased interest, PMI is minuscule by comparison, my mortgage is still hundreds under friends apartment rent and I have 4 times the bedrooms, double the bathrooms and actual land.

  • Since this is the first arrival I imagine it was more about setting up a command location and creating temporary shelters for people to be right by where the aid would be provided.

    That said… what would also be more helpful is if we stopped providing weapons and ammo to Israel until they agree to properly negotiate and come to some kind of an agreement that keeps Palestinians from being shifted, moved and displaced while simultaneously bombing them at free will. It seems weird that we’re both selling the bombs to the attacker and providing the aid to the attacked.

  • I hope you realize I cannot change American opinions and popularity of supporting Israel and their war. I have no power over that. None.

    If Biden loses the election I hope you’re ready to see what America can really do to help speed up the violence. It’s bad enough we’re providing material support, but Trump will stop the investigations we have into Israeli command and groups within the military that we have been sanctioning.

    It’s important you again read the statistics. In swing states people are HIGHLY likely to support Israel. There is no way that this near unwavering support isn’t calculated into the re-election campaign. Just because some people voted uncommitted doesn’t suddenly mean jack shit. You’re letting your feelings dictate reality.

    While Biden won the state with more than 618,000 votes, more than 100,000 Michigan Democratic primary voters cast ballots for “uncommitted” in the race, enough to pick up the pair of delegates. The vote totals raise concerns for Democrats in a state Biden won by only 154,000 votes in 2020. Biden was beaten by the “uncommitted” vote in both Dearborn and Hamtramck, where Arab Americans make up close to half the population.

    So he won the state by 154,000 votes last time. If those people vote uncommitted in the 24 election (and I’m betting 70% will vote Biden anyways) he is still up 54,000 votes. Of which those could be heavily rural voters who are likely to support Israel. This is also not the actual election, in which people are likely to vote for the lesser of two evils than the moral vote they made in a non-critical race.

    The reality of our current situation in the US means we’re needing to go slightly left of ultra right, with the hope of eventually, in a few elections, being back on the hardcore progressive train (come back Teddy Roosevelt). We have a lot of olds that are still voting heavier than younger people.

  • mean_bean279@lemmy.worldtoA Boring Dystopia@lemmy.worldThe Palestine experience
    2 months ago

    Could it be that a politician is just simply looking at voting statistics on what’s likely to win favor with people likely to vote? Nahhhh… they have to somehow be involved in something illegal…

    Look, Biden is an old dude. His ideals are ancient and he’s for sure not in touch with what younger people want. The stats show though that what he’s doing is popular with voters. Take out people, just voting age people are more likely to support Israel. I’m completely against what Israel is doing, come from a family of Israeli die hard supporters, but even I have to recognize that a majority of my country wants this.
