• 109 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I’ve done a lot of experiments with toner transfer and etching my own boards. The highest accuracy with the smallest clearance I can achieve is with old inkjet photo paper in my old HP laser printer. I have tried several different photo papers. They all act a little differently, but they all take up far more toner powder from the drum roller. I’m not sure why. It can be a pain to get the paper backing off of some of them, but when it comes to etching, it approaches photoresist levels using the typical overhead transparencies.

    Just an idea to throw out there. This looks great already.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoLinux Gaming@lemmy.worldInfected games under Proton.
    2 days ago

    Linux is not really comparable like this because the distribution matters along with the bootloader configuration.

    If you have an immutable distro with SELinux configured and your own UEFI keys or a shim with secure boot, you’ll have a very different set of vulnerabilities from someone running Mint with secure boot turned off.

    For a short time Microsoft marketed an upgrade path the a full Unix like operating system for Windows. It was widely known that some of the Windows shell differences from Unix were just arbitrary aliases for the Unix commands.

    If you ever get the chance, try using an old Android device you do not use, enable the developer options for the ADB bridge and try hacking around, if you have an interest in understanding how Linux security works in practice when it is done right. The Linux side of Android is an interesting case study if you understand the premises of Android. It is a Linux system that is secure for people with absolutely no understanding of Linux or networking. This is enabled by allowing the app developer to become something like a full Linux user on the Android device. All of the Linux kernel binaries that could modify the kernel in any way are removed and there is no administrative account present. When the hardware manufacturer logs out for the last time, all the administrative and modifying binaries are deleted. This secures the remaining files that are all marked as read only. Android also has a very robust SELinux implementation in place. Every location present has a defined security context. So there are places where you can create temp files and store data, but the things that can be added and manipulated are very limited in their access to other parts of the system. If you mess around with this the way these tools work will become much more tangible.

    By comparison, most distros ship with a very open and unconfigured security context. The SELinux configuration is still extremely permissive in distros with SELinix integrated, like Fedora. This is nothing like Android’s setup. The primary reason for a lot of the ROM community on Android and how they have root access is because of exploiting CVE vulnerabilities in the kernel that were found after the kernel was shipped. Android works with orphan kernels that only the manufacturer can update because they retain the source code for the kernel modules that they add at the last minute. This is the depreciation mechanism used by the hardware manufacturer to steal ownership with Android devices.

    If you understand how exploiting CVE’s works on a simple abstract level, and why it is necessary in order to bypass the immutable system (read only file system without tools to modify Linux kernel binaries), and how SELinux adds further restrictions based on the context of who is accessing the directory or command/executable, you should better understand the complexity of the question you’re asking. The app developer on Android is like your equal on the device. They can do what you can do, and that is why you are so restricted too. Your measures of control on Android are very limited and just in the app environment spaces.

    Once I learned the basics of this system, it has become the way I view all software systems intended to enable ignorant consumers. Tremendous power to alter systems is included in these platforms, platforms like Windows.

    Those that are trying to make the Windows games work on Linux are likely completely focused on functionality. When people talk about things like sandboxing, they are almost always talking about library dependencies and not any kind of security context. It is likely that any malware that targets Windows binaries will not work on Linux directly, but something that targets Linux specifically is another matter entirely; it is security through obscurity, which means no security at all. Unless you’ve taken active measures to limit the PID/GID/security context of the process that is running the software, it has all the same permissions of the user that called it. It can delete, view, and write anywhere that you can with the user/group/sc that launched it.

  • I spent all day stockpiling, building a soldering iron, and messing around with the Evac, first building area. I’ve figured out some of the tech tree and made my second character freeform and much stronger across the board. I have a barricade mentality for now. I haven’t checked out what anyone else has done, but fixated on barricading the basement of that first house and trying to add solar lighting. I dispatched the two zombies at the house to the south with all the cars and cooking supplies, but haven’t ventured beyond. Maybe I’ll check out the helipad and bride soon.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoStar Wars Memes@lemmy.worldI'm getting old
    3 days ago

    Science fiction is primarily a form of social critique and commentary, according to the Titan, Professor Isaac Asimov.

    Coming from a childhood raised in the deeply conservative Southeastern USA, SW felt like a validation of belief in religious magic, patriarchal paternalism, and accessible exceptionalism from hard work.

    Before the information age, these ideas were far less clearly false. Now I see the parallel in religion as a toxic dead mythos, misogyny in western culture, and propaganda of a feudal death of democracy.

    While I long for the nostalgia of the past, shinning a more modern perspective on that past reveals hideous flaws. The framework is dead to me, but admitting such a reality to myself is to give up a part of my childhood.

  • Looking for a CS/CoD level experience. Steam might be okay, but I haven’t tried it and am skeptical of anything marketing oriented. I really don’t want to see ads or hype of any kind. I’d much rather ask around and go in search of my options when I feel compelled. In other words, I’m aware of my susceptibility to suggestive marketing and am not okay with others manipulating me through that mechanism so I avoid it all together. I will not enter the space at all unless those terms can be met.

    I was just skimming a fedora mag post on gaming and it mentions that Steam packages Proton but there are community maintained versions with more advanced features than are possible on the Steam Deck; the most popular being Proton Glorious Eggroll.

    Xonotic was one I played some. It has a different hectic vibe that is not really in that CS/CoD space I liked though. I like to feel like I have a measure of control and not in a situation where reckless speed has an advantage.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoLemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.worldLooking for new Site Admins
    5 days ago

    I’ve been pushing positivity since the beginning before the first 1.5k joined this server. https://lemmy.world/post/36032

    I would do it, and have the time, but I don’t think you guys meet my requirements to make it manageable. I don’t use proprietary software, and use a whitelist firewall with addresses I know and trust, like this server. While I can spin up a secondary network or even a Windows machine, I do not care to do so at all, and certainly not regularly. However, I’m basically at a computer all the time anyways.

    What’s up with the haters? Me, or something I said?

  • How are finishes so durable and thin?

    My assumption of a lack of post processes is because I come from a background of automotive refinishing and repair, where I’ve owned a shop and painted for many years along with getting into custom art graphics and airbrushing. The only finishes I know of that provide a similar durability are two part urethanes. Those are far too thick by comparison. When cutting into plastics that have been moulded, the finish shows no signs of mechanical layering or bonding like a post process finish in most cases. Often a cleanly broken or cut part shows a similar type of penetrating surface alteration I associate with a polishing operation, where the surface transitions in color and grain structure with in millimeter or few (in cases where the break is clean and does not appear to be influenced by stress alterations like ABS where it whitens under tension).

    How does chromate conversion work with a prep regime and what kind of wet paint can offer similar durability to a 2k urethane when it is impossibly thin? Like I know the limitations of urethane well when it comes to corners and pointy bits where it will thin from surface tension. There is not a chance in hell that the buttons on the side of my phone could be painted with such a finish with an even conformal coating and remain durable for years of constant abrasion. Is there a name for this class and type of finish? Where are they sourced? What is the scale of the industry? Is there a way to access the process and products at a small scale?

  • I’m using principles of 'close enough. I almost exclusively use the Part Design WB.

    Technically I should probably model this in Blender. I know Blender has a way to wrap and unwrap like I hinted. This post was really a fishing attempt to see if anyone here knew of a way to do the same thing in freecad.

    To model this, the first trick is to pick the best origin point. I’m using the screw pivots where the arms fold to hold my X-axis. The inside face of the lens is 146.6mm in diameter and is my primary reference surface for the lens. The shape of the lens is all done by creating sets of 2 sketches that are only used for references. These references are only used to attach a datum plane. The datum planes hold the sketches that pad and pocket the solid shape.

    If I really wanted to make this better I could do so by making more complex sweeps while only building the part with reference to the outside face of the lens, because it is not a perfectly circular dimension. After the surface features are complete for this face, I could use the defeaturing add-on workbench to extract just the outside face from the PD body. With this face by itself, I could create a filled offset in the Part workbench. Then I would be able to cut the circular inside diameter from the X/Y axis to rebuild the 146.6 mm inner face.

    In my experience that tree would have around a 50/50 chance of failing if I tried it. The task would cone down to how well the offset in the Part workbench is calculated. Even with this entire setup, I would not be able to control things like a varied edge finish on different parts of the lens so that I could model the mechanical properties better. I’m not super worried about the surface in freecad because I will need to sand and polish the print anyways.

    Thanks though. Hopefully you can follow the explanation. When I started with freecad years ago, I might have tried something like the draft WB but almost everything belongs in a Part Design workflow. It is simply a matter of knowing how to pick good references, setting your origin well, avoiding referencing off of π as much as possible, and NEVER importing edges or points from 3d geometry.