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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 4th, 2023


  • The weirdos crusading against bloat helped keep distros light weight and performant decades on. It allowed a linux distro to fly on older hardware that was bogged down by newer linux versions. The legacy to this day is that WMs like KDE can actually be fairly light weight and there is still attention paid to not using a lot of resources.

    Nowadays I feel like the complainers dont even have a consistent definition of what bloat is and it ranges from command line only users who know theyre crazy and niche but speak up anyway, to people who are just upset if a distros ships with basic default tools like an image viewer or something that opens text files or videos, or drivers.

    The whole thing is also silly with how much cheaper ram and storage have gotten. Even moreso because the distro and WM isnt the limiting issue. Yes you can still run a KDE based distro with 2gigs of ram, but as soon as you open your web browser and visit the modern internet the dozen high definition images that load in and videos and javascript.

  • Roe getting gutted was the result of conservative judges that got appointed to the supreme court and the states that have taken further steps to restrict are republican run states. The majority that the Dems had was very slim not enough to get a lot passed especially when the “majority” included “moderates” like Manchin and Sinema.

    I agree the Dems and libs suck. If they werent so smugly sure that clinton would win 2016 they would have not played politics and forced in their supreme court pick and we would have less of a minority.

    Roe getting gutted is the result of a decades long plan by the republican party and letting them them win a majority again will only make things worse.

  • Hardware is a big factor in this. Mint in particular is a stable distro based on the ubuntu LTS so it’s slow to get new kernels and you need a ppa to get a fresher mesa install and this is essential for newer amd hardware. Conversely if you’re on a rolling bleeding edge distro and you rely on nvidia and their closed drivers then you’re often one update away from breaking them.

  • Yeah. I know why beehaw defederated and is inevitably leaving and I understand why they dont want to deal with the usual crap, but I feel like early on when it was one of the bigger instances there was a bit more influence on tone and when they abandoned ship it just lead to the .world and other instances to stew in their own nasty juices.

    But yeah I left most of the reddit front page literally more than a decade ago and as reddit exploded a few years ago it got substantially worse. Occasional forays into them are exhausting. Unfortunately the civil people already dugg into the depths of smaller more civil reddit are already in a happy place and the ones who left for greener pastures are clearly those kinds of internet guys. Downvote innocuous comments, go on the attack when discussing things that arent that serious, act smug and superior, and of course just generally be abrasive and nasty.

  • I dont know if its because I originally just had a beehaw account before migrating to check out some other instances so maybe it was always this way and I was shielded by the de-federating, but holy cow are there a bunch of abrasive sniveling dorks in a lot of discussions. All the while bragging about how much smarter they are than those who left reddit, and yet when I check my old niche reddit subs it’s quite a bit more civil.

  • At the time android didn’t have multi-tasking

    Android always had multitasking. Part of the issue with android 1 and 2 was that it didnt have any way to properly manage the task managers which lead to people installing task killers(which had utility in those days) and auto task killers(which due to how android handles caching just lead to a cycle of killing, thing popping up, killing, and etc). My g1 with a swap partition was probably my best android phone at keeping things in memory without auto killing it until I got a phone with 6gigs of ram.

  • The 6 series was when google introduced the tensor which is where the stereotype for worse battery life, worse performance, and less efficient radio come from.

    I have a 6a too and for the price it’s fine, and I think a lot of the battery concerns are overblown, and for a budget phone competing with other budget phone devices tensor was great. That said the things that would make the tensor in the 7 bad are as present in if not more so in the 6a.

  • inverted_deflector@startrek.websitetoRisa@startrek.websiteBait
    5 months ago

    Its funny because while we gloss over it today, this is how shocking uhara just being on the bridge was to people, or the shatner kiss. Like people were still being murdered and lynched for interracial relationships and even in northern cities we had red lining and racial violence. The big trans arc is a minor scene. With a person who also literally and unsubtly has memories of being MULTIPLE sexes and genders.

    Its so shocking for some people it stands out. Even if they arent overt bigots being exposed to it rubs them a certain way.

  • Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks have been pretty good at scratching the classic itch I think. But yeah I do agree that picard and discovery suffer from a problem that a lot of Marvel and DC comics these days suffer from. They dont slow down and spend every arc going from a threat THAT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING to another threat that WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING. So many universe ending events.

  • Its funny too because being a trill recipient makes the allegory very “conservative friendly” . They literally gained dozens of lifetimes worth of memories where their gender and birth sex were male and female. Normal trill symbiote candidates go through training in order to better retain their sense of self after they bond and better separate the memories. Adira did not have that training and was not ready for this or even the right species for it.

    Riker absolutely lost himself while he had a trill implant and became the trill. Meanwhile Adira has a few hundred or more thousand years of being a mother, being a father, giving birth, and presenting as male and female and over that kind of time span even seeing gender roles and norms change and evolve. After all that they decide you know what I dont think Im quite a girl anymore but Im not a boy. Even a gender absolutist would have to give it to them.