• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The phrase “it’s ai generated” sucks the fun out of most images. Almost as much as “it has a CC license.”

    So that image is from a universe where Zelda and Peach are roommates. AI understands both of those characters really well. I’ve got full image-story arcs of them being in lesbians and kicking ass.

    AI is still shit for brains at some prompts, might I suggest Zelda as the Witch Queen of Angmar?

    Or there’s this actual painting of Perseus and Andromeda where I don’t understand how to tell AI that Zelda in power armor is in a full commit dive straight down, preparing to slash tf outta Bowser.

  • It looks like tabs paired with sheet music. Tabs are literal instructions for string instrument players of which fret to use instead of which note.

    BUT instead of the sheet music being sheet music, it is N64 inputs. But the tabs I was working off of continued past the classic inputs. The sheet music devolves into PS inputs and Navi and The-Fucking-Owl inputs. My thinking was, if you could have played those notes with an n64 controller, you would have, but they required different buttons.

    The words sheet and shit sound similar. I’m clearly not very creative, so I reversed their order for the title.

    Do you see now? Is it funny yet?

    No? Maybe because it’s not a good joke.