• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2022


  • “doing your chores” is a sedentary live problem where people stay at the same place long enough that their traces are not erased naturally.

    ADHD is the perfect mindset for a nomadic society. Stay to long at the same place (and risk ravaging its ressources)? No problem, you’ll get bored before that happens and seek a new place!

    Sedantarity and land owning is a problem to nomadic people everywhere 😁 Of course this is no longer valid in an overcrowded world like ours.

  • Is it actually ethically acceptable to control distribution of something that naturally shares itself?

    Before computers, it actually required some energy to copy the content of a book. With computers now, the action of reading an ebook will actually copy it from the hard drive to the ram. If your book is on the cloud, there’s even more copying going on. It actually takes more efforts to erase temporary copies (ex: from local cache)!

    Digital copying is not the same as physical copying.