• 39 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • hydroptic@sopuli.xyztoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    16 days ago

    Yeah it was a middle school thing in Finland too, at least in the 90’s.

    I did an exchange year in the US in my 2nd high school year, and I was honestly a bit surprised at how… well, simple it all was. I was a senior in the US and I’d learned just about everything they taught that wasn’t specific to the US or the English language (and even some of those…) either in my 1st year in high school or in middle school.

  • Yeah, there’s a reason why they suddenly have a lot of trouble selling their military hardware even to countries that haven’t sanctioned them.

    Well, other reasons in addition to the fact that the stuff they’re fielding themselves in Ukraine keeps getting blown the fuck up and they have had to replace it with something that was initially being built for an outside customer. “Yeah you remember those tanks you ordered? Weeelll you’re not going to be getting them quite on schedule, there’s been some… uh… complications. The turrets… they, uh… experienced rapid unplanned disassembly caused by… uh… assembly workers smoking in the crew compartment. Definitely not caused by inferior westoid antitank missiles in Ukraine, our cope cages work against those 100% of the time and it’s not like we’d use your tanks in combat, no siree Bob”

  • Honestly, just properly funding anything that is designed to do benevolent things for the community as a whole is a tough sell with way too many US community politicians

    This seems to be a problem with at least conservative politicians everywhere. In Finland where I live we do still have the vestiges of a welfare state (and it really is vestigial at this point), but right wing politicians keep dismantling it and cutting taxes on the rich, and later on leftist politicians find it impossible to roll back any changes due to resistance from the right.

  • Yeah this is absolutely the most fucking infuriating part about conservatives. They’ll crow about how “leftists” (ie. what seems like anyone left of the Strasserites) want to have a one-party fascist state that controls every aspect of people’s lives, and when they get in power they start doing exactly what they accuse leftists of wanting.

    They also have a real habit of blaming all of their own fuckups on the left; our current extremist government got in to power by claiming that our previous leftist government caused some sort of massive debt problem (government debt did increase, but they had COVID to deal with), when the reality is that it has been the previous 20 or so years of right wing governments who have consistently cut taxes for the rich and sold government property to cover for the budget deficits. Conveniently reich-wingers ignored the part where their ideology is the one that wants to cut taxes, leading to higher debt and cut social programs and public services, and somehow they’re stupid enough that they don’t even see it themselves and they believe it when their lying politicians claim it is all the evil leftists’ fault that our public healthcare is now completely broken and the welfare system is among the worst in Europe.