• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Although I agree with you, I don’t think that’s what OP was asking about based on this part:

    I’m just thinking that if a hacker got access to one email they’d have all account information?

    It seems they are asking if an separate email account for each service would be beneficial. My opinion is it would limit the attack if an email account was hacked, but definitely not worth the hassle. Email aliasing (like the comment above me says) gives you some of the benefits without needing to juggle multiple accounts.

  • Canada is debatably worse than the US when it comes to tipping. In the US, wait staff are paid less than minimum wage so it makes sense to tip them (even though the system should change), but in Canada they is no such exception and the minimum prompt is 18%.

    Also, the other day Subway prompted me to tip…

  • do you feel like you get a good view of your spending in these categories?

    In the To Be Reimbursed category, I do not, nor do I think I need it. In my mind, as long as I stay above zero and I can quickly see who still owes what, then that’s all the info I need!

    The biggest benefit I find is that your budget then reflects your actual expenditures, which makes your “Under budgeted” in a future month actually show a correct amount.

  • Ooh, I have a system for exactly this that works very well for me!

    I set up a category called “To Be Reimbursed”, with a no-date goal of $500. The aim for this category is to be at $500 minus whatever people owe me. To give you an example using your numbers and this system:

    In your cellphone plan category, set a goal for $79.96 ($199.90/5*2 (since you cover two portions of the 5)). If your other members pay in advance, put the money in the To Be Reimbursed category (now it would $500 + the money they send you). When the bill comes in, you split it so the $79.96 comes out of your cellphone plan category and the other portion comes out of To Be Reimbursed.

    This system is great because, if they pay late, it won’t affect your budget at all since you have the buffer. Also, as a nice extra thing, when someone pays me back for something, I add green flags to both the repayment and the transaction they are paying me back for so I can quickly see who still owes me.

    Hope this helps!