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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • That’s the logic that’s being used in the defense but it’s not necessarily true. If I were to engage a legitimate threat with a firearm but do so in a reckless manner, I would be justified in the shooting but not justified in the reckless Manor in which I discharge the weapon. That’s why carrying a firearm is such a responsibility and liability. In addition to having to determine what is and what is not a deadly threat you also have to know your surroundings and what is past your target. Generally, a bit more leeway is given once the shooting is justified, but in acquittal on criminal charges doesn’t justify the shooting. You acquittal on the other two charges just means there’s insufficient evidence to prove the crime. Having insufficient evidence to prove one crime does not mean that another cannot be proven. For those of you not in America who are trying to follow along, just don’t. It’s not worth the the headache.

  • I had a guy tell me he has hemorrhoids while we were pumping gas at adjacent pumps. Nothing before, nothing after. He just said “hey man, I have the worst hemorrhoids”. I wasn’t in uniform or on duty (medic) and he didn’t ask for advice or ask say anything else. It was like an observation about the weather. Middle-age guy, nornal car, nonspecific clothes, and no other oddities. I thought maybe he was on a Bluetooth phone, but no, he was telling me. I just said “that sucks”, he nodded and we continued fueling our cars in silence.

  • They didn’t force them to technically. They voided the original and left them with a choice of finding alternative means of transportation or buying an inflated ticket. If you violate the TOS of your transit ticket they can terminate the ticket agreement. It’s totally a scumbag move, but probably not a slam dunk lawsuit.

    It would be like if you used a hack to get a cheaper uber and they refused to take you the rest of your ride until you paid without the hack. The hack may be totally legal, but within a private contract it constitutes a violation of your user agreement. Now you can walk, take the bus, hitchhike, rent a U-Haul, or whatever you want to continue the trip. But uber can say you aren’t going anywhere in an uber until you comply with their TOS. Again, scumbag Mr. Burns capitalism, but legal and unlikely to be worth civil litigation.