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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I feel ya. I’ve got the same thing. Luckily I’m still young and don’t have kids so I can at least adjust my schedule consistently, but man it sucks having to get up at 6 am on the weekends. The real frustrating bit is that I could totally get up 2 hours later if only I could WFH consistently. But corporate doesn’t like remote work so I have to go into the office at least 2 days a week to sit at a computer all day and program. Wonderful world we live in

  • I think the confusion here stems from the fact that with historical slavery like the transatlantic slave trade, both slaves and slave owners are long dead. So the only parts of that slavery that still affect living people are the longer-lasting cultural effects, such as racial inequality.

    Personally, I think we should probably be addressing those cultural effects, and that seems to generally be what these “reparations” are about? But I do agree that modern slavery is something that really needs to be addressed as well, and living slaves absolutely deserve reparations from their slavers.