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  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2021


  • Having had both, I can say that with the framework you get a much better display, but you lose the trackpoint. The framework has better repairability, but has less IO. The hardware on the framework is well supported on Linux, but can be hit or miss on thinkpads, especially newer ones.

    The only thing I’m really missing on the framework is the black thinkpad chassis - can’t really get used to the aluminum.

  • Was mich als ehemaligen Fotonerd bei der Szene zum unteren Bild mäßig triggerte: der Kameramann schoss ein Bild nach dem anderen, kam mit dem Spulen gar nicht hinterher. Mit einer Rollfilmkamera. Einer Mamiya RB 67, der maximal 20 Bilder pro Spule 220er Rollfilm schießen kann, oder 16 Bilder in 645er Format mit 120er.

    Ich war wesentlich zurückhaltender mit meiner Mamiya, habe allerdings nicht die Finanzen von Vault-Tec.

  • If you haven’t published a few papers then your preference in acronyms is irrelevant.

    AI comprises everything from pattern recognition like OCR and speech recognition to the complex transformers we know now. All of these are specialized in that they can only accomplish a single task. Such as recognizing graffiti or generating graffiti. AGI, artificial general intelligence, would be flexible enough to do all the things and is currently considered the holy grail of ai.