+/- | amour l’espérance (he/they)

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2023

  • aroom@kbin.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhats your such opinion
    7 months ago

    it’s not because a product is not made in a industrial fashion that it’s de facto good, sustainable or eco friendly. it’s like calling natural stuff better than chemical stuff. it’s just a common bias.

    you can’t get meat without giving a lot of proteins to an animal. at the end if you end up eating this protein instead of giving it to the animal to grow tissue you always will win in efficiency.

    some will argue that we can’t eat grass. that’s right we can’t. but with all things considered if we eat proteins from plants we can digest, the balance will always be positive, regarding CO2 emissions, natural ressources being wasted like soil and water, and naturally the cruelty.

    some will argue that prairies are stocking CO2. yes they are, but the cattle growing on them will produce more.

    some will argue that eating soy will give you boobs. I’m sorry but it won’t. too bad if it’s boobs you were looking for.

    etc etc. the scientific literature is quite explicit on this matter. all that I know is that if we decided to switch to a total plant based alimentation right now, we would need a period of transition were cattle or fishing will still be needed in some specific countries with specific ecosystem.

  • aroom@kbin.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhats your such opinion
    7 months ago

    no. the attitude that is not useful is to make up arguments to justify our choices.

    we know the fact. we choose to act on them or not. and this is the same for a lot more topics than veganism.

    don’t return the responsibility on the people who act to diminish suffering and waste of ressources. vegetarians like carnists contribute to keep the status quo. it’s not debatable.

    you choose to live how you want - within the limit of the law - and it’s totally ok. but own your choices, you don’t need to justify them.

    we all are full of contradiction, and it’s more than ok. but don’t make up stuff to make them ok. just accept them.

  • aroom@kbin.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhats your such opinion
    7 months ago

    I totally understand your point of view and think that your perception is valid. If you try to analyse why you find them preachy and judgemental it could be interesting.

    For example would find them so annoying if you agree with them? Is it the discourse that annoys you or the person? Is it your belief system being challenged that annoys you or the facts that are being stated?

    It’s always intersting to understand why we feel that way when we are challenged, and veganism is one of a few topic that can create what we called in psychology reactance, an interesting topic.

    Veganism is really different than religion tho, cause it is totally backed by science (regarding food production, waste issue, C02 and sentientism) and a logic construct.

  • aroom@kbin.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhats your such opinion
    7 months ago

    they are great conversations about why people are so annoyed by vegans and most of the time it’s not because vegans are harassing or pushing their agenda, it’s more a question of how we perceive ourself when comparing ourself to others.

    it’s due to cognitive dissonance.

  • aroom@kbin.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhats your such opinion
    7 months ago

    human are omnivore, it’s a biological trait not a diet. Being omnivore doesn’t mean that you need to consume animal products, in the contrary, it means that you can avoid them and still strive, as opposed as carnivore.

    own your choices, plain and simple. don’t blame other for taking action to reduce suffering, CO2 and waste of ressources.

  • aroom@kbin.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhats your such opinion
    7 months ago

    the fact that you label some vegan as purist says more about your own conflicts that the way vegan choose to live. vegan purist is a nonsense. you are either vegan or not.

    you choose what you consume, but don’t put the blame on vegan. for me being vegetarian or carnist is not so different. vegetarian are still supporting the status quo and it’s fair to state this fact.

    once again it’s your choice. own it.

  • and for you throwing an example is enough to make a point? how do you know that I don’t bother about it on other places on the web? do you know about whataboutism? do you think that the old “it was always like this so it’s ok” is a relevant position?

    please keep your condescending tone to you. if you don’t want to have a real discussion about this and just want to get upvotes, go for it. I don’t care and leave me alone please

  • Thanks @Bloonface for writing and sharing this. I think that it’s fundamental to analyse what’s happening with ActivityPub and the Fediverse. It’s good to be here, it feels good to be freed of any disgusting CEO. But still I find it sane to ask ourselves about the quirks that should be addressed with the fediverse?

    I have a few on the top of my mind:

    • instance ownership - admin labour and mental charge, moderation, cost of the server and financing transparency
    • privacy
    • activityPub energy efficiency - is it efficient or should I refrain from posting?

    Not all instances are run as co-op. We rely on people who are doing a lot of work and paying server cost from their own pocket. Maybe they got funded by users, maybe not. It’s not that transparent. And admin have some issues with each other, defederating, blocking instance for personal or non so personal reason. So at the end it’s not a really sustainable way of building things in my opinion. Some instances are funded as co-op, but most are not. We are relying on individuals to keep things running. The mental charge is big.

    We need transparency about instance ownership to be able to choose what model we want to support.

    I’m also really interested on how the GDPR compliance will be enforced. Meta’s threads couldn’t launch in the EU, so I wonder about the status of Mastodon. Is it a work in progress situation or did the EU not reach out mastodon.social yet and wait for a bigger user base?

    Regarding the efficiency of the protocol, I couldn’t find any discussion about it. I was wondering if the cost of being federated, posts and media being pushed from server to sever will have a negative impact regarding energetic consumption. I’ve read that mastodon was quite “hungry”. So I asked one of ActivityPub co author about it, if they accounted energetic consumption when designing the protocol. The answer was “No.” And they blocked me.

    Maybe it’s not a big deal and the impact is not bad. But right now if have no idea. So I’m using a service without knowing the cost of it, the consequence, and this is not ok. And I find it really annoying that this topics is not being covered more and the discussion censored in a way.

    It’s not a matter of ruining the nice thing we have. It’s more about transparency, let users know where we are now, so we can all decide where we would go next.

  • I strongly encourage this discussion, because at the end it’s up to the users - the community - to decide how to use those tools. I think that we have an opportunity here to embrace new custom, and leave what was on reddit on reddit.

    but I would argue that the quality argument is flawed in my opinion. upvote and downvote are more used as agreement / disagreement markers.

    so if you agree with content, I can understand that you just want to use the upvote (who really is a favorite here in the fediverse) to let the poster know that their content had a positive impact on yourself. I’m cool with that and it’s also good to avoid “+1” or “^^^^this” comments. But maybe it shouldn’t be displayed (every upvote downvote boosts are public in the fediverse, anyone can have access to this info it’s how ActivityPub works for now, just go to more>activity). Favorites are not that public on other platform, I guess only people from the same server are seeing it, or people you follow, I’m not sure about that.

    but the downvote mechanism, who could imply a disagreement, is problematic to me. Because we should feel free to specify why we are in a disagreement. They can be so much reason for that and only a conversation, an exchange of thought can help us understand each other.

    a simple click on the downvote button is more like a “shut up” for me. Not a really great way to express ourself, to express disagreement. And it’s also too healthy in my opinion.

    So yes the strongest issue with this mechanism is how it contribute to encourage a single discourse, a single point of view and tend to discourage users with other point of view to engage. It’s really problematic for me.