He/Him or They/Them

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It still shows up for me, I’ll post it below for reference.

    The meme is about a controversial topic which has lead to numerous debates lately where “both sides” are extremely sexist to the other. I made an statement, it wasn’t subject of debate (unlike the meme).

    there is no rule that the memes can’t be attached to debates

    Never said that, I actually enjoy a lot of debates born from memes, so that’s not the problem. I clearly said I didn’t see this specific topic appropriate because of the sexist (and sometimes political) nature of it. Debates are only cool when they aren’t meant to divide and create conflict-

    Were you guys outspoken then?

    -which you seem to try to encourage. Nice try, but I’m not changing my mind here, this post doesn’t seem appropriate to me in the slightest. People here expect “haHa [insert funny akward quote]”, not “let’s compare ewoks to fucking rapists”.

  • Debates are only cool when they aren’t meant to divide and create conflict-

    Do you know what debates are? What they are for? How they operate? A debate is always two opposing ideas, they are literally designed to divide and revolve around conflict. If you only like debates that unite and cause harmony then you don’t actually like debates, you like discussions.

    I clearly said I didn’t see this specific topic appropriate because of the sexist (and sometimes political) nature of it.

    A) Yes it’s a debate about sexism and rape culture, of course it’s going to involve sexism.

    B) Everything is politics. People who complain about things “getting too political” just don’t like the politics on display.

    We are literally in a meme community revolving around an allegory for the Vietnam war where the good guys are analogous to the Vietcong. If you think Star Wars is not a place for politics then you don’t understand Star Wars.

  • WTF are you even talking about? You keep using super vague phrases to try and argue that (and I’m just guessing here since I legitimately can’t tell what you are trying to say) LGBTQ advocates are ignoring history?

    What history are you pointing to? Why would that history matter in fields like medical science? Would the history of gender help us understand that some people identify as trans? Would it help us understand the best practices in helping them?

    Was this all just a way to complain about “men” going into women’s spaces?

  • Ya. This only ends one of two ways, either Israel succeeds in killing /displacing the people of Gaza (West Bank and Golem Heights next) and fills it with people loyal to them, or they stop the occupation. Terrorist groups don’t do well in stable, prosperous nations. If they really want Hamas and groups like them gone forever, they will have to take the winds out of their sails by letting the Palestinians have a real government with real control over itself. Even if they meet their stated goal of “destroying Hamas”, it (or another similar but even more extreme) group will take over.

  • Europe (Britain mostly) and the US pushed the newly formed UN to pass a resolution calling for the creation of Israel in 56% of the territory, but the zionist militias actually took almost 75% of the land while destroying entire villages and murdering the existing population. The West continued to support them after that and have been tacitly approving of them taking even more of the land as the decades have gone by. The West is not blameless, but it was very much Israel that did it.

  • You really wouldn’t understand why some Ukrainians would support a party that calls for the death of all Russians? You really can’t see why Afghans supported the Taliban during the American occupation? I’m not asking if it’s right for them to do so, or if it’s right for people to support those that do, in asking if you can understand why they’d feel that way.

    What are your thoughts about the Haitian slave revolt?

    Hamas’ stated goal is a product of Israeli actions. Terrorist groups calling for the destruction of another country don’t tend to form in stable, prosperous, and free countries.

    Not to mention that Israel has been actively stealing Palestinian land for decades and recently argued to the UN that all of Palestine was a part of Israel. They aren’t exactly respecting the border either. They are also seen as an existential threat to the Palestinians.

    Israel doesn’t see a two state solution as an option either. They either want full control over Palestine or a puppet state that they have almost total control over. No real Arab state would be allowed by them and they’ve made that clear.

    Nothing good will happen until tensions deescalate, which can’t happen until Israel backs down from their occupation and oppression. You won’t stop making new terrorists until they are treated as people.

  • The right-wing party in Israel (the party currently in control even after losing multiple elections) will also never support peaceful co-existence. They will never allow a real two state solution where the other state has control over its borders, air, water, import rights, etc. They want Palestine completely gone, and in fact Bibi was just at the UN arguing that Israel already has complete control and ownership over the Palestinian territories. Palestine is allowed to defend against the longest running occupation in history. There is no happy ending here as long as the Israeli boot is on the Palestinian neck.

  • You don’t hear people complain about Apple (anymore) because it’s accepted that you are buying into a walled-garden ecosystem when you buy Apple. That’s kinda its whole thing.

    There are a few issues with Edge on Windows, one being set as the default out of the box, another being it’s inability to be uninstalled, another being it’s the only option when using windows built-on search, and yet another being it’s anything-but-one-click solution depending on the version of Windows in question. In some versions, you have to still go into default apps, find the browser you want, set it as default, click around the popup begging you to try Edge anyway, then go down the list of file extensions and select your browser for all the ones it doesn’t change on its own when you make it the default, some of which may popup again begging you to try Edge first. And when that’s done, you still can’t uninstall it or make it not open when using windows search.

    For a product marketed as the opposite of a walled garden, it really is frustrating. Especially considering older versions of Windows had a built-in browser that could be uninstalled and could set another browser as default with one click from inside the new browser.