• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • You need to sort our bed time routine out.

    Don’t do anything in bed other than sleep (or sex). Go to bed try to sleep, if you don’t sleep get up and go to another room and come back in half an hour, an hour whatever it takes. Try sleep again if that doesn’t work after a bit get up again. I actually find going for a pee and trying again works surprisingly well. Take your TV out of your room, don’t use your phone in bed, don’t exercise in your bedroom and don’t exercise late and night.

    Try the military sleep method.

    If you want time to waste on something, do a jigsaw or scale model.

    Join a board game group.

    Watch The World at war 1973. Best ww2 doc ever made and its 26 episodes long. That will waste some time.

  • Yea. You hope that the more centrist parties look at what the population are desperate for and will do anything for. And then you hope democracy works and people get to vote for that they believe is right. Hopefully that happens in conjunction with sane and stable leaders listen to the demands of the people.

    Currently large amount of the people feel ignored or certain issues and feel only the fair right is listening to them. If they had anyone else to vote for I’m sure they would.