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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • So a lot of Java hate I think is mostly in jest.

    Personally, Java was the programming language that I had to use for my first two years of college. It’s how I learned OOP, data structures, and algorithms. I had to use Eclipse, which at the time was AWFUL (and maybe still is, no idea). I remember it being semi-normal for it to take over a minute to launch on my (gaming) PC.

    Later on, as I learned other languages and got a job, I just haven’t really had a reason to go back to Java, and most of my memories of it are from being annoyed at Eclipse and needing to implement Quicksort in it. I’m sure it’s a great language and I bet it’s a lot better and more convenient now. It’s just kinda trendy and weirdly nostalgic to hate on it in a half-serious way :) .

  • My position is literally:

    -A person loses no humanity or respectibility by being overweight. Overweight people are still people.

    • Overweight people deserve to have their concerns actually heard. Doctors often literally will not investigate some problems that overweight people ask about beyond “oh you should lose weight.” For some concerns, that may be a reasonable diagnosis, but there are plenty of actual medical concerns that are ignored by doctors in fat people.

    • Shame largely does not work to get people to lose weight. For the people where it does work, it definitely doesn’t do it in a healthy way, and for most people it just makes losing weight harder. (I’ve seen a lot of people justify being shitty to overweight people because they think they need to feel shame all the time to change).

    That’s it. It’s literally “treat people like people and actually listen to their concerns.”

    Honestly, I’m pretty surprised that Lemmy already seems to have a bit of the “fat people hate” energy. People have a very specific image of a “fat person” in their head that they imagine when this stuff comes up, but all I’m saying is that people who are overweight sometimes have concerns that aren’t addressed by just losing weight, and those concerns are often dismissed because we value and respect fat people much less than skinny people.

  • TheSambassador@lemmy.worldtoBikini Bottom Twitter@lemmy.worldis this true
    3 months ago

    Every time people talk about this, they always envision the most morbidly obese example that they can think of, when we’re really just talking about the average slightly overweight/obese people. Those people often have their actual medical needs ignored by doctors and are given “lose weight” as a cure all. There are literally hundreds of millions of people who experience this.

  • The place where it broke down for me was a moment where, as part of the main quest of the game, a character asks Aloy to help with a very emotionally personal request (help figure out what happened to his dead sister), and Aloy starts off with “that’s your war, not mine” and is super reluctant. Then, not 2 minutes later, I talk to a side quest NPC asking for help investigating a stolen heirloom, and Aloy is like “yeah sure, I have time for that and also maybe I could run and get your grocieries and do your dry cleaning and whatever else no problem.”