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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Yes, these stories are either outright lies, or are about rich people not being willing to wait their turn. Meanwhile, here I am drowning in medical debt, putting off getting procedures done, and trying to decide if I would rather just live with my dental problems, or risk getting kidnapped and murdered in Mexico, because they have so many Americans crossing the border to get dental work that they have not one, but multiple top tier dental towns.

  • That’s not the advertisement that you think it is. If you think about it for even a moment you’ll realize that it’s because we prioritize the wealthy in the US. Sure a rich person from Canada can come down and get a procedure in a moment’s notice but how many Americans have to leave the US to get the procedure themselves or even worse are never able to get it at all?

  • The completely useless error messages kill me. And the commands that don’t do what they say… WTF is the point in “clean” and “force” if they don’t clean or force? And then there’s the inconsistency in command arguments. With one you have to use force, even though it doesn’t actually force, and the other you have to use “hard”. Hard? I mean I guess hard makes sense once you realize that force doesn’t actually mean force. Now I’m just waiting to run across the switch “–seriouslyguysimeanitthistime”.

    OMG, I can’t up vote this thread enough… git is such a purposefully exclusionary step in software development that I can’t believe it is the preferred solution. It is very powerful, but it is painfully obvious that no one has ever gone back and said, “but what if anyone else who wants to use this is not a Linux cli guru and already has an expert understanding of git commands?”. Why is it that learning to check in code is significantly harder than learning the actual IDEs that the devel uses to develop the code?

  • You do realize that vertical integration is just another way of saying megacorporation, or multinational, or monopoly, or cartel? Vertical integration makes huge, soulless corporations, that are inflexible and unable to adapt. They are exactly the thing that most people hate about American capitalism.
    Just look at Toshiba, GE, Ford, and GM for some examples of companies that abandoned or outright collapsed under the weight of vertical integration. Oh wait… it seems like Ford and GM have already done the vertical integration thing and largely abandoned it. In fact, could it be that the existing remnants of previous vertical integrations are exactly what makes them so unable to “just switch to EVs” like you’re suggesting?

  • Test_Tickles@lemmynsfw.comtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldDaughters and Fathers
    2 months ago

    This is all amazing advice, and I would like to add one thing to it, don’t lie to her. People casually lie to their kids all the time, “I don’t have any change”, “we are all out of cookies”, “don’t worry, grandma is fine and will be back to normal in no time.”. Kids aren’t stupid, and they remember way more than you think. They see you pull out the change you “didn’t have” at the next stop. They see/hear/smell the cookies that you are sneakily eating. They can tell something is wrong with grandma. Have some backbone and be honest, “no, we aren’t wasting money on trash toys”, “no, sugar this late will keep you awake and make you insane”, “grandma is not feeling well, but we are doing everything we can for her, and we are going to let her know we miss her and love her”.

  • “Men and their societies”, Jesus Christ, do you even hear yourself? The layers of misandry and hate in this comment are so fucking off the charts that it would take me literal weeks to unwrap it all. “Rape culture”… holy fucking shit, you have some serious phsychosys going on here. Also, talk about rampant misogyny/misandry… I never even once alluded to your sex at all. Your rampant false victimhood is so out of control that you can’t even separate your own hate from what I have actually said.

  • The fact that you think this is somehow pithy and not just demeaning and dehumanizing is what makes you the problem.
    If we swapped the sexes in the scenario, or changed it from men and women to black people and white people, you would be screaming your head off about hate speech and racism. Your extreme narcissism might be the reason you have had such a bad history with men. I suspected that only the worst kind of men are willing to put up with your shit.
    I would choose the bear over any person that would choose the bear.