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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I think we need to seperate the ability for a corporation to make decisions of its own free will from the notion of fairness and equity for a society which allowed a franchise like Wendy’s to be created. They’re giving many of their supporters the middle finger after thinking they found a winning lottery ticket.

    I can understand being pissed off about it as someone who isn’t rich, but I also understand it’s a system I have no control over other than what I choose to buy myself. I won’t support Wendys if they want to choose profits over people. It’s sad to see more of the world turn into a heartless corporate hellhole.

    I personally hope they got their numbers wrong and they fail.

  • The same bad actors have muddied the lines through limiting online discourse and pushing their message consistently enough to drag some well meaning, but lacking in critical thinking skills, people to join the cause.

    Like algorithms for social media, they’ll feed you little bits that become normalized, and sudde ly the stuff that was crazy 5 years ago seems tame and pointless to fight against now.

  • You talk of spouting my mouth off, when yours is too full of Bibi’s shriveled cock to speak words clearly.

    Your God is watching, are you sure they’re happy with your actions? Have you read your Holy Book lately without Bibi’s interpretation? Maybe consider he’s the devil you’re supposed to identify, not follow into hell. Fool.

    Much like the rest of your mentally ill brethren, your fantasies of confronting someone that won’t make eye contact is just that, an admission of your keyboard warrior fantasy. I’m quite happy in my life, other than the fact that I’m aware genocide is occuring. This thought is slightly tempered by knowing that you’re going to Hell if you keep this up.

  • Wow how did you type that out with Putin’s cock so deeply in your mouth?

    If this is Russia’s efforts at controlling the message, it’s very obvious their best and brightest are dead and they need literal 60iq idiots doing the work.

    Isn’t it funny that Russian men like this are so pathetic and their own women refuse them, so they know the only pussy they’ll feel in their life is from a helpless baby. Sad.