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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Mods are a different beast and not representative of the game, devs, or player base. Mods like this often get removed from big modding sites like Nexus, forcing them to be mostly in their own spaces. (There is/was a bg3 mod overhaul that makes every black npc white, some lesbian npcs into men so they are straight couples, the ability to change your gender and lock it to the body types. Etc and so on. But you can’t find it on Nexus. I remember the white Wyll mod but it got removed within 3 days)

    It’s another matter entirely when a developer bakes this kind of shit into the game. Not every game has mod support and not everyone mods.

  • Yeah, I still browse reddit from time to time (mostly when lemme feed is dried up or I’m at my computer. I don’t browse it for hours like I used to, though. And I haven’t made a comment that wasn’t on r/lfg for months.

    Most of my feed is about Canada, makes sense, I live there. But a vast majority of it is right wing propaganda. Anti immigration, pro PeePee, anti Trudeau, etc. Every week a new right wing subreddit crops up.

  • I think there ie a middle ground as a rule but a lot of games use dlc as an excuse to sell the game for more.

    Sims is a great example. It costs over $1k to buy everything for Sims 4 and the Sims 4 stans will defend it going “you’re not SUPPOSED to guy every pack”. Sims 3 vs Sims 4 is something as well. Sims 3 didn’t get as much dlc, but each one had so much more content and gameplay than Sims 4. 9 years and like 50 packs later, Sims 3 STILL has more content overall. The game was just poorly optimized and badly coded and is only now becoming playable in terms of load times and lag. A lot of the Sims 4 packs don’t even work that well together, or the opposite where they release a feature and you need another pack to fully utilize it. (The goats and sheep in the horses dlc don’t do anything without cottage living. And they already didn’t do much WITH it)

    The Weather expansion with Sims 2 made sense at the time. Weather was a mechanic that not many games had and quite the milestone, it was groundbreaking for the time. Weather dlc for Sims 3 you could begrudgingly forgive, since it’s such a big thing and the base for Sims 3 was so big. But Weather being sold as an add on for Sims 4 was just unacceptable. The game was barren, weather is a base feature for every single game within that kind of genre. It feels like they remove the feature to sell it later. And you see this with the pets packs too. Sims 3 you had cats, dogs, horses, and small animals. With Sims 4 you have cats and dogs, my first pets stuff, cottage living (for the small animals, it does FINALLY add SOMETHING new with the cows/lamas and chickens), and horse ranch- for the same experience Sims 3 pets gave - and even THEN there is less gameplay and features. No unicorns, no wild horses, no pet jobs (I think) since you can’t control them, no nothing. Sims 4 still doesn’t have fairies somehow but there’s rumbles that they might be the next occult and they could bring unicorns but… you won’t be able to do anything with the unicorns without horse ranch.

    So, it’s not even than Sims 4 costs more than 3, you are getting an objectively worse and more barren experience even when you do buy everything. The dlc for Sims 3 made sense and added so much, barring maybe the weather one as an arguable one. Almost none of the dlc in Sims 4 makes sense to be sold to the player instead of in the base game. City living, island living, cottage living, the vacation one… for that’s about it really. But becausethey are supposed to bring new content and gamellay experiences. But the dlc for Sims 4 was just such an obvious money cash cow that they are like “what pieces of the same dlc can we upsell as separate packs?” They barely add anything new.

    I have no problem with dlc like how it is with Witcher 3 was with new stories, gameplay experiences, quests, etc, rather than selling base features of a game for morr.

  • I think what they (poorly) meant was that there shouldn’t be individuals/entities that own multiple houses, to give everyone/more people the chance to own homes. There is a serious housing shortage because a lot of people and companies buy multiple homes. Some use it as basically a form of money (notably the Chinese) and others use it as a form of income (Individuals/entities that own 10 or more affordable/family homes and rent it out. Airbnb was/is a huge contributer to this issue)

    As a rule, people today cannot buy homes and rent is a major reason why. In most places rent is over 60% of the average paycheck. How are you supposed to afford a house? You won’t even get accepted for a mortgage with the average paycheck. This issue has a lot of consequences, suchas the birthrate is falling at an exponential rate. It’s barely at the replacement level, and in some places, below. And the trend is continuing.

  • Pro-Israel bots and astroturfers always come out of the woodworks posting whatever they can to make them look in the right/innocent/etc whenever stuff like this happens. They want the world at large to be on their side. It largely works, the things supporters will say about these people is disgusting. They don’t see them as people.

    In reality both sides have done horrible things and neither are fully in the right nor innocent. Israel will stop at nothing short of genocide and that has no place in the modern Era. Genocide should be condemned in all its forms. I dont support this war, but I also dknt blame them, they have been the subject to, again, genocide for decades. I can’t blame them for retaliation for years of torture and who knows what else that they successfully cover up. In the end, this is a long, and bloody conflict inherited from long before even before our grandparents’ era. It sadly won’t end in our generation, either.

  • Sacha@lemmy.worldtoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Coco is good but Luca is incredibly mid imo. I just feel like it’s missing some important scenes, which makes the whole thing just feel… off. And what would have made a good movie become pretty well, mid.

    I’ve noticed this more and more with Pixar and Disney movies, I can just think of a bunch of scenes ranging from 1 minute to 20 depending on how you want to play it that would just complete the movie. Moana had this issue too but Moana was good without it. It would just be better imo.

  • Golf can use a terrible amount of water, plus keeping it mowed, and cutting forests for it. Places like Canada or the UK might be fine if it’s not a drought year. But there’s golf courses as far as Mexico. There’s places in Mexico that is so dry outside of the summer months that golf courses would use a disgusting amount of water to keep the greens… green… there was a golf course in Mexico I went to that only bothered with the putting area and a bit around that. Everything else was dirt. It wasn’t that pleasant of an experience because you do kick up dust when teeing off and whatnot. However, no way to lose your ball I suppose. Still, the water they needed just for the putting area must have been disgusting.

  • Climate deniers think all the forest fires are some government conspiracy because a bunch of fires starting all at the same time is super sus. Even though it happens all the time after a big heatwave / drought and pine forests are made to burn. Sometimes these trees will just… not spontaneously combust exactly, but pretty much do. Pine forests are built to burn every 2 years or so, it’s one of the ways they reproduce - pines are genetically predisposed to catching fire easily and their sap is very very flammable. These forests burn hot and quickly but a fast fire isn’t a very destructive fire. These trees often are not burnt to the ground. However, we are so effective at putting fires out so this 2 year burn off isn’t happening. So, years of underbrush, etc is building up that otherwise wouldn’t be. This makes what is supposed to be a fast burn fire, into a slow burn one. What would be a natural fireline because there is a large gap between some trees, isn’t one because all the underbrush connects them.

    So it’s not just because of climate change, but we are responsible either way. There aren’t any easy answers for this one because there are houses scattered all over the places. But there is no helping these Trump worshipping conspiracy theorists and we need to consider them a lost cause. Nothing will shake their faith in their Orange God so we must bolster against them and move on without them.