• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • why does anyone care what experts think?!

    That’s not what I said at all, is it? I’m simply pointing out that we’re reacting to a poorly written article which plays on our emotional side instead of discussing the actual facts. Yes, scientists doing research in an area believe that their research is going to confirm their hypothesis. That’s how research works. In this case, I’m surprised it’s not 100% to be honest.

    The whole premise of the article is stupid. Not global warming, not the fact that we’re heading towards more than 2.5C global warming by 2100, not the people answering the questions. What’s stupid is the idea of “conducting an opinion poll” in that specific group.

    1. adding sugar to baby food is not necessarily illegal

    2. there is already legislation which prevents companies from engaging in illegal activities overseas but it’s really not efficient since it is so easy to offload any illegal activity to a locally owned company. This is more about human rights abuse and illegal lobbying than product quality control though.

    3. there is nothing forcing multinational corporations to act as a unique global entity when it comes to quality control and any attempt to enforce such legislation would just be quickly sidestepped with local subsidiaries.

    Really, the only defense for the locals is the local government. As it should be.

  • have you actually read those links? First is a political statement from 2014 which starts with :

    Germany and Europe contribute large sums of tax money toward various development programmes in Africa, Nooke explained, but the economic agreement with African states cancels out these efforts.

    and it should be easy to see now that the guy was just playing his voters.

    the second one is about britain post brexit

    the 3rd is about the influence of other markets on the quality of products in the EU.

    Which one of those actually proves your point?

  • I know perfectly well what upgrading the shell means. You are missing the point entirely. This dev community does not accept bug reports on older versions even if they’re in use by a lot of people and then when they’re reported on the latest version and they’re acknowledged, they tell the reporter to piss off.

    it’s not that the issue wasn’t fixed that got me to give up on Gnome, it’s the fact that a known issue was closed with no resolution even after I gave a patch as a workaround. This is why I am done with them.

  • can you explain how testing this on a VM would have helped me with my issue on my day to day computer? Let’s say that the problem was solved in the latest release, what good would a VM do? Maybe i didn’t make myself clear, the message was not an attempt at debugging the situation. That dev just told me that the team is not interested in bugs reported on older versions and I should just upgrade.