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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I’m learning Kotlin and Android Studio and for that I’m developing a very simple CRUD App. I used sonet 3.5 and was impressed when it developed the XML file, mainactivity, added internet access permits and wrote the restful API in PHP for XAMPP. It compiled at the first try, but for the life of me I can’t find why the restful API keeps returning a 405 error. And I’m a seasoned programmer in C, C++, phyton and XAMPP! It was, at the same time, impressive and extremely frustrating.

  • American Cars look like relics from the last century when compared to Chinese design and capabilities, that is why the American car companies do not want Chinese brands in their market because there is no way they can compete with them.

    Chinese brands just arrived in Mexico and it has been a massacre for american and European brands, a lot of car dealers have been closing lately and you can see in the streets that most new cars are Chinese. The Chinese dealers have impeccable service and the architecture is impressive. Prices are 1/3 of the European cars and 1/2 of the American Cars. The only ones that might be able to compete are japanese and Korean car companies.