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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • It’s a massive game that was absolutely a labor of love, but it’s Rockstar we’re talking about here. They turn love into microtx and milk it till it’s dry. Then it’s to the meat packing facilities for a little mobile/console porting so it’s innards can be broken up to be resold 😂. No real fault to the devs, art team, and story team that absolutely did put love into the game though.

  • They’ve implemented a prototype, but it hasn’t been brought to market yet, so we’re probably not talking about the same thing if I had to guess. I’d recommend looking into the cybertruck implementation of it if you’re curious, I do think it’s ahead of its time and will remain novel for a while. Also engineering explained did video on the Lexus prototype. It suffered some pretty severe input delay, I have my curiosity if the Cybertruck implementation has the same issues but I’ve not seen anyone mention them yet.

  • Imo backend FOSS needs a complete rethink with an easy way to manage one’s own digital stewardship. I’ve lost a ton of data to FOSS projects (masto, lemmy, etc) just because the random host I chose decided to close up shop. Not particularly the fault of the software vendor per sae, and while I do not wish to hassle with hosting my own entire instance I’d be happy paying for or hosting my own data.