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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • It might be overplayed, but Re:Zero does fit that bill. There is a romance, but only one, and it doesn’t play off the ecchi comedy tropes. It still is based around an oblivious boy, but it’s used as one of his major character flaws, and he has actual character growth.

    It had a huge following when it was airing (still kinda does) to the point where it got annoying, but don’t let that color your perspective of the show.

  • Roughly speaking, there are three different ways people handle when something they enjoy is changed in a way they don’t enjoy.

    The first simply cut their losses and move on, abandoning the thing. Nothing wrong with that. Things change and it’s okay to move on to something else. Companies that are causing harm to their user base should suffer the consequences of their decisions. Do this too much, though, and you may find you abandon your loves too easily.

    The second just accept and bear it. Arguably nothing wrong with that as long as you still enjoy it. Just be careful that apathy is not taken for permission for further change.

    The third will attempt to fight back in an attempt to preserve it. These are the type who still use Reddit even though they know it’s broken. They do not abandon it because to do so is to lose it entirely. They are trying to work within the system to change the system. Nothing wrong with that either, as long as you know when the battle is lost. They obviously don’t believe it has been lost yet.

  • I’ll be honest with you, I would rather have the ban lists than not. No server is required to use them, and the amount of spam and fraud they filter out is enormous. If someone gets on an IP blocklist because they either can’t or don’t know how to secure their system, then no one should trust anything from them. Having a way to identify them before they cause a problem is enormously helpful.

    There is already a project underway to identify federated servers that just spew spam, and I am all for it.