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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • MucherBucher@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlYouTube
    6 months ago

    I don’t see how the pricing for Premium is unreasonable. I do, however see, how they are too aggressive with ads. That’s why I said paying for premium is a better deal than watching ads. If you don’t agree with either compensation, don’t use their service

  • MucherBucher@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlYouTube
    6 months ago

    No, I’m not here to defend Alphabet. I’m just saying it’s equal to stealing groceries at Wallmart. They request payment, you deny. Just because it’s so much easier to do on YouTube doesn’t mean it’s any more justifiable.

  • MucherBucher@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlYouTube
    6 months ago

    Oh baby, you don’t understand what you just said, do you?

    Nobody forces you to watch ads. Close YouTube, don’t look back, email content creators to have em send ad free video links directly to you.

    Watching ads is your obligation as consumer, if you decide not to pay for their removal.

  • MucherBucher@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlYouTube
    6 months ago

    Or 5. It holds 6 people… 4 € per person best case. As for now, they aren’t enforcing same household sharing only, like Netflix do. I can’t tell you about the future.

    Also, not to support such behaviour, but if you aren’t made of money, I’m totally okay with you teleporting to Argentina, subscribing to YT Premium at maybe 5 $ a month, and teleporting back to never go there again. That doesn’t require an argentinian CC.

    I’m not sure about legal technicalities, but I do know that it currently works. Personally, I don’t risk it if they ever decide to ban associated accounts, because u know, they totally can refuse to service you, if they were to feel like it.

  • MucherBucher@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlYouTube
    6 months ago

    Basically, not sure how Apple does it though. You have a Google family group. You can add individual accounts to that. The group owner cannot see any activities of other accounts, but he could remove people without their permission.

    Removed users only lose active family subscriptions like youtube premium and google one (storage). Their watch histories and whatnot will remain the same. Watch out with Google one. If you have Google one and use more storage than google free, then remove google one, you only get a limited time period to remove data over the limit. Afterwards it gets inaccessible, I don’t think they delete anything, but no insurance on that.

  • MucherBucher@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlYouTube
    6 months ago

    The textbook this person owns:

    service provider: “Hello, I’m a window cleaner, do you want me to clean your windows? I’ll actually do it for free this time! Please recommend me to your peers”

    customer: “yes please”

    service provider: “all done! Want me to do it again in three months time?”

    customer: “yes, I love free stuff!”

    service provider: “actually, I’d have to charge for that, can’t work for free all the time.”

    customer: “Racketeering!”

  • MucherBucher@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlYouTube
    6 months ago

    ITT: “it costs more than 5 bucks a month!” yeah, if you don’t share with friends with family, it does. Also, music service included, deduct your spotify payment.

    “You can just block ads” You can just miss the whole point.

    “I rather support creators directly” I’m happy you do that. YouTube hosting is not free for Google/Alphabet, pay them too, or you’ll have to teach each and every creator how to webhost + help em search a “real job” because selfhosted won’t pay enough. Also, good fun browsing videos then.

    IDK man, paying for YT Premium really isn’t that bad. Assuming you already consume YouTube content, that is. And I’m pretty sure that’s like 98% of first world population between 4 and 70.

    Blocking ads on YouTube is no sustainable solution. Hosting Billions of Gigabytes of on-demand content is SUPER expensive. Like, it actually costs money. Other, wayyy smaller indie creator on-demand video platforms charge 5 bucks a month, but i’ts okay if they do it, because they aren’t big bad Alphabet.

    If that’s your view, you don’t have a problem with pricing, you have a problem with morals. And if you still do voluntarily consume YouTube content in private, with or without ads in any which way, you inarguably have a huge problem with your own morals.

    YouTube premium is a good deal. It’s priced very well compared with competition, it actually does pay indie creators and it let’s you access to features that many users really do use.

    BUTBUT THEY ARTIFICIALLY LIMIT FEATURES FOR NO REASON WITHOUT PREMIUM. I mean, it’s subscription software and streaming, what else would they do? Every for profit subscription software provider and their mother does this. I develop hospital software and we literally do exactly this. If hospital A has feature x and hospital B also wants that, we don’t just hand that out for free even when we just have to add it to their system in like 10 minutes… what did you expect? They already use our software (like you use YouTube), we don’t have a huge incentive to just randomly add features if nobody paid for it. If we do, be happy about it, send me a gift card, if we or they don’t, that’s just business.

  • MucherBucher@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich🛍iel
    8 months ago

    Hier in der Schweiz hab ich kürzlich Black November gesehen. Irgendwie macht das doch auch als Geschäft gar keinen Sinn mehr. Kein Reiz, schnell zu agieren und jeder weis bescheid, niemals ist das deutlich günstiger als sonst.

    Edit: Galaxus (gibt’s ja mittlerweile auch in DE) hat ne Black Friday Week???

    Ich finde, man könnte dementsprechend Jahreszeiten-basierte Preise machen. Green spring: Alle Produkte sind überall um 10% teurer aber 10% rabattiert. Red Summer: Alles ist 3 für 2 aber 2 kosten so viel wie sonst 3. Orange Fall: Alles ist 80% reduziert, man ist aber dazu verpflichtet 5 zu kaufen und 4 zurückzugeben. White Winter: Die Preisschilder sind einfach weiß auf weiß.

  • MucherBucher@feddit.detoich_iel@feddit.deich_iel
    1 year ago

    Das Plural ist doch nicht feminin. Der Artikel “die” umfasst mehrere Bedeutungen… spezifisch das nominative und akkusative Femininum als auch das nominative und akkusative Plural.

    Beispiel: Der Arzt -> Die Ärzte.; Im Singular klar maskulin. Im Plural tatsächlich auch Maskulin, aber warum? Das Maskulinum, Femininum oder Neutrum bezieht sich nicht auf den Artikel (der, die, das, den, dem, des) sondern auf das Nomen. Der Artikel wiederum umfängt im Singular sowohl das Geschlecht als auch den Fall und im Plural nur den Fall.

    Weiteres Beispiel: Dem Arzt -> Den Ärzten.; Ist jetzt beides im Neutrum? Nö… wir befinden uns einfach im Dativ. Fürs Singular im maskulinen Dativ und fürs Plural einfach nur im Dativ, da das Geschlecht des Nomens hier keinen Einfluss hat. Das Nomen an sich ist jedoch in beiden Fällen klar Maskulin (Femininum wäre Den Ärztinnen).

    Um klar zu machen hier ein Beispiel im Femininum: Der Ärztin -> Der Ärztinnen.; Was ist den hier geschehen? Sind die Damen nun maskulin geworden? Ne, die sind genitiv geworden. Ein Satz dazu wäre “Die Arbeit der Ärztin(nen) ist gut.”

    Übrigens: Ich war mindestens 15 Jahre nicht mehr im Deutschunterricht und trotzdem fällt mir sowas nicht schwer. Deutsch ist nichtmal meine Alltagssprache… Solltest du also auch hinkriegen.