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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • Anyone remember that scene in the beginning of Interstellar where the teacher is reporting to the dad that his daughter was spreading lies that man landed on the moon? It’s supposed to highlight how society has grown so jaded against space exploration that they no longer remember their past accomplishments or the massive advances of technology that space exploration has brought.

    I feel like that’s where we’re heading. In the past decade, many people have become really antagonistic about space. They see big numbers and think it’s a waste of money, failing to understand that the money isn’t being thrown in a pit and set on fire. It’s being used to pay and fund cutting edge research and development on technology that can benefit all of humanity.

  • I have many friends in the Seattle area, which is supposedly relatively bike friendly compared to other places in the US. Of those friends, only 2 bike to commute. In the last year, both of them have gotten hit by a car and hospitalized.

    I know that’s just anecdotal, but I don’t see bikes as a safe way of travel US unless there is significant change in infrastructure for them.