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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • AngryMob@lemmy.onetoFediverse@lemmy.worldTop 50 defederated instances
    7 months ago

    Maybe im wrong and they need support. Maybe im not. I certainly am in no position to say one way or another with authority. But i’d rather be wrong about keeping them shamed than be wrong about letting them feel positive about their issue.

    Either way, i respectfully am done discussing the topic for now. I will give your opinions some thought though.

  • AngryMob@lemmy.onetoFediverse@lemmy.worldTop 50 defederated instances
    7 months ago

    Being a pedo may not be a choice, but acting on it definitely is. And any pedo who has to go searching for pedo friendly communities is not looking for help, theyre looking to get off.

    Its not a big secret to them that they have something wrong to live with. They dont need a support community to tell them how not to fuck kids. It shouldnt take that much self control for them to not fuck kids…

    I’d even bet the vast majority of them already do just fine living normal lives. Just like the vast majority of “normal” adults dont go around raping each other just because they feel sexually aroused by someone.

  • Its not like it is the only example. The sequel trilogy has plenty of other annoyances just like the prequels and originals do. The problem for many is that palp’s death validates the story and actions of the characters. He lives and a new order pops up, then much of what happened was pointless. To me, picking on that line is a way of showing how much of a clusterfuck the story of the sequels is. They are amazing in visuals, acting, etc. Somewhat the polar opposite of their counterparts.

  • This is what happens when a new console generation comes around. Just because you are on PC does not mean you are exempt from industry norms which are largely pushed by consoles. Your 970 was significantly stronger than the xbox one and the ps4, so you could use it for that entire generation if you wanted. Your 2060 is weaker than the xbox series x and the ps5, so should be no surprise that you use lower settings than those consoles.

    Same with ssds. They werent required for so long because the consoles didnt have them. Now they do, and fast ones at that. So devs use them, and sometimes require them.

    Now obviously starfield in particular is not a shining beacon of next gen technology and optimization. But those reasons you chose to pick on are not really examples of its failings.