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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I’d say they’re relatively side grades that comes down to smaller differences. Namely that the Kuva Nukor has an extra 2 meters range on the chain effect, but the Tenet Cycron has innate punch through, and can chain 2 times from each target hit with the main beam, vs the Nukor chaining 2 times from just the initial target normally.

    Specifically, the Tenet Cycron has chains 7 meters from target, the Kuva Nukor has chains 9 meters from target, but the Tenet Cycron can potentially chain to more targets at closer range due to punch through.

    Other specifics include the Tenet Cycron having 28 meters range vs 29 meters for the Kuva Nukor, which isn’t much difference, as well as Tenet Cycron having a slightly higher base fire rate, which means the lower status chance evens out quickly.

    And potentially more or less relevant, the Tenet Cycron has recharging ammo, as opposed to the regular reloading of Kuva Nukor, they roughly add up to the same reload time of 2 seconds for a full reload it seems, but the recharge can be partial in less time in addition to not needing ammo pickups, but the Kuva Nukor can fire longer without reloading.

    Oh, and I nearly forgot, the Kuva Nukor causes the hidden microwave status effect, which counts as a status for galvanized status mods and certain other effects, the status itself just makes the hit body part a bit larger and thus easier to hit so long as other parts don’t cover it from also getting affected by it.

  • Yeah, I agree with that similarity to Warframe’s level of developer interaction.

    Sure, in the past they’ve been slower to respond to feedback about problems, and often times old things have fallen out of relevance because something else just outright does the same thing, and more, but better.

    But as it is now, DE really seems to be prioritizing listening to feedback, almost exponentially so, and as an example, bringing things up to par with what they should be at the current level of the game, a concept that much more rarely got the implementation it deserved in years before.

  • The term “boy’s club” here is really not generalizing “men” or “boys” as a whole, but rather it’s by its usage criticizing the specific group mentality it describes, that of a group of “boys” who treat women with less respect than each other, or otherwise exclude said women, as in at least some cultures is common from some generally younger “boys” who haven’t really matured past a mentality usually developed from a young age, because they lack the experience to know it’s wrong.