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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/vj6853 on 2023-09-15 04:35:48.

My husband (32m) and I (29F) were vacationing in Europe for two weeks. Coincidentally, one of my old college friends “Lizzie” (30F) and her husband (30M) were also vacationing in Italy the same time that we were. They have a baby daughter that just recently turned one.

After we found out that both our families were gonna be in the same area for a few days, I suggested that we meet up and spend a day together. They happily agreed. My husband and I had chartered a small yacht to take us around Italy for three days and we invited them to come with us for two of the three days we had the boat. They happily agreed.

The first day went perfectly. We all had an amazing time eating, drinking, swimming, chatting, etc. We all hadn’t seen each other in over a year so there was a lot to talk about. On the first day, I wore a bikini (definitely skimpier side) and Lizzie wore a one-piece.

On the second day is when the confrontation occurred. We had just finished all having breakfast together and Lizzie asked for us to speak privately so we went to a nearby area. She first started by telling me that after she gave birth to her daughter, she’s been feeling horrible about her body and how she just feels incredibly ugly in her skin because of the weight gain and the stretch marks. Then she confessed that seeing me flaunting my body and being so thin made her feel really upset and uncomfortable, as well as envious. Lizzie also mentioned that she knew her husband had been looking at me and that made her even more upset. I felt for her and made sure to reassure her that she was absolutely beautiful.

She then asked if I could wear a one-piece for our second day on the water. I was a little taken aback by this blunt request. I told Lizzie that I didn’t bring any one-pieces with me on vacation. She then immediately rolled her eyes. She said, snappily, “Well can’t you go buy one right now?” I felt really awkward at this point because she was getting clearly agitated at me and teary. I was very uncomfortable because I wanted to say no, but I couldn’t figure out what to say. So I just awkwardly said “um” and stuttered for a minute. This upset Lizzie even further and she yelled, “Are you fking serious? You’re being so selfish!!” Once she cursed at me, I said “Lizzie I’m sorry, but I’m not willing to do that. You can call me selfish all you want, but it’s not my job to make you feel better about your insecurities.” This set her off even more and she began having a full on sobbing, meltdown while yelling that I ruined her entire vacation.

After a few more minutes of back and forth, I just removed myself from the conversation, ran back to my husband, and told him we were leaving them. We didn’t end up contacting them for the rest of our time in Italy. It’s been three days since the incident and now we’re back in the states. In the past, Lizzie has been a toxic friend so I think that plays a role as well, but I still feel weird about the whole thing. AITA?