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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Paper182186902 on 2023-09-14 22:22:58.

I (21F) and my sister (25F) bumped into each other in town and went for a beer before heading to our homes.

We were sat outside chilling casually and no one else was outside, then a very clearly drunk man comes over and sets his drink on our table asking “do you mind if I join you?” despite already setting his drink down before he sat.

I go completely silent as I have social anxiety and get especially anxious around drunk men. My sister is the opposite of me and could chat to anyone really. The man starts rambling on about computer wires and how he wanted cheaper ones than were available and I just put my head down and scroll on my phone as I really didn’t want to give him the impression I wanted to talk to him.

However my sister responds to him and he comes closer and starts asking where we are from, our names, where abouts do we live, and she’s replying truthful answers. At this point I text her asking can we please leave and she reads it and carries on talking to him for ten more minutes. He rambled on incessantly and genuinely was making zero sense but I was frightened and really didn’t want to be near this man at all.

I finally convince her to leave over text and we do ten minutes later. I help her carry her shopping home and she tells me I was extremely rude as I didn’t even say hello to him and just stared at my phone the entire interaction. I’m shocked and tell her I don’t have to entertain a man if I don’t want to and he wasn’t invited to our table, then she says because I’m a lesbian I would’ve reacted differently if a woman had sat with us which is not true. I’m not against meeting people in pubs but if I feel uncomfortable I will just shut down and ignore the person. She thinks I should have just went along with what he was saying as he was harmless but how are we to know that?

I understand it is rude to not acknowledge people when they speak to you but I felt so uncomfortable and anxious I just really didn’t want to. AITA?