According to Billet themselves, they heard nothing about compensation or payback until about 3 hours after the original GN video went live… Which Billet hadnt even replied to before Linus made his post saying they’ve already made the deal on compensation.

      11 months ago

      So do I, and I find it insulting. Have I ever replied to someone with an emotionally driven impulse making things worse for myself? Absolutely, but that’s something I did when I was 18 or 19.

      I’ve learned how not to be so reactive. If something really infuriates me, I give myself some time to connect my thoughts and reflect on the situation.

      I’m almost the same age as Linus Sebastian (about a year and a half difference). He should have learned how to conduct himself a long time ago. Especially if he knows he has ADHD.

      ADHD is not an excuse.